Thursday, January 14, 2021

Thankful Thursday - January 14, 2020


I Am Thankful For:

Morning naps for a grumpy little boy

A clean dresser

Gumbo for lunch

Oatmeal with berries

New crochet stitches

A yummy new salad

Hanging out with the grandkid

Taking a break from social media

Turning off the news

Coffee and a muffin


Drawers purges and organized

Comfort food

The Man of the House getting up to take the dogs out

... and starting the Coffee

Eating takeout in the car in a parking lot

Sunday morning

Fun cupcakes

A play-off win for the Browns


  1. I'm thankful for a lot of those things too. Great list.

  2. I love your Thankful Thursday, Beckey! We truly have so much to be thankful for! Blessings to you! :-)

  3. I've never had Gumbo and had to google it. I'm not a big soup eater but I'm thankful you enjoyed it! :)


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