Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Challenge: Health

 It was inevitable under the circumstances.  For the past year, I have drowned all of the stress and anxiety over the pandemic under waves of sweets, junk food, and take-out.  

Feeling worried about the health of yourself and all your family members?  Have some donuts!

Lonely after months and months of self-isolation?  Ice cream!

Another day of helping the grand-kid with remote learning?  Order Chik-fil-a delivery for lunch!

Worried about the effect the pandemic is having on your online small business?  Tacos, pizza, candy, cookies!  

Sure... the 'rona didn't get me.  But the bad eating habits certainly have.  Not only did I regain every pound I lost in 2019 (and then some) - but after seeing the lab results from my yearly physical last week, I realized that it has also taken a toll on my cholesterol and blood sugar.  I'm not going to share numbers.  Let's just say - it wasn't good.  Overall, I'm not very healthy right now. 

If that isn't motivation for making some major lifestyle changes - I don't know what it!  It's a good thing that my One Word for the year is "Challenge"!

I have to get my weight down.  I have to get my cholesterol under control.  And I have to get a handle on the sugar before it becomes an actual problem. 

So - here's how I plan to meet that challenge:

I am recommitting myself to the WW program.  It helped me lost quite a bit of weight before, and I know if I buckle down and accept the challenge to really follow the plan, it will again.  I will be focusing on lots of good cholesterol-lowering foods that really nourish and fuel my body. 

I will start incorporating some movement back into my life - whether it's taking the dogs for more walks, doing some at-home workouts, or finally trying out that fancy exercise bike the Man of the House got for Christmas. 

This is one challenge I can't afford to give up on.  I have big dreams for the future and I plan to be around to see them come true!

So, this is me.  Stepping forward and being honest and transparent.  Asking all of you to help to keep me accountable. In return I promise to post regular updates on my progress and be honest when I'm struggling.  


  1. I'm right there with you. Although my weight is lower than a year ago by a few pounds, my health is so much worse from sitting on my behind for the past year. My daughter is doing a version of WW but using iTrackBites, a much less expensive alternative to WW. I've just gotta get out and move... and eat better, too. Looking forward to your updates and suggestions. You've got this! ��

  2. It sounds like you were successful in 2019, you can do it again! Can't wait to hear about your progress. Please keep us posted. It will encourage me to eat better as well! My eating habits have been terrible lately and I'm noticing a direct connection between ice cream and my back pain. :( Some days I'm willing to suffer through but I really need to find some alternatives. I'm eating a lot of fresh strawberries and blueberries now so that's good. If I could just stop putting on the whipped cream...


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