Thursday, March 25, 2021

Thankful Thursday: March 25, 2021

 Some weeks it is more difficult to find the gratitude.  There will be days when you're handed the unexpected.  Weeks when the skies seem to stay dark and gray day after day.  But I firmly believe in the saying "there is always something to be thankful for".  Always!  It may be that you were able to get up out of bed on your own, that there is something to eat in your refrigerator, that the sun is shining, or that you are breathing and your heart is still beating.  Maybe it's as simple as spotting the first flower of spring. Or that it stopped raining and the sun peeked through the clouds for a few minutes.  Look for the good around you - no matter how small it may seem at the moment.

I Am Thankful For:

Chik-fil-a lunch in the car

Puppy kisses

A good night's sleep

The sound of falling rain

A healthy dinner

Homemade shepherd's pie

Health insurance

A pretty new top for spring

A peek of blue sky through the clouds

Sleeping in on Saturday morning

An evening walk

My favorite soup in the crockpot

A chorus of birds singing a morning song

Motivation for change

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