Thursday, May 20, 2021

Thankful Thursday: May 20, 2021

 It's been a good week so far.  So much to be thankful for.  The gas crunch is starting to improve.  Slowly, but much better than this time last week. The weather has been mild. And I've been feeling especially creative.

What are you thankful for this week?  Here's part of my list:

I Am Thankful For:

Family silliness

A new patio table

A great online Bible study discussion


Quiet moments

Finding gas for my car

Naptime for doggies

Being surprised by the Man of the House

Plans rescheduled

Rainy days

Spotting a fox

The Man of the House taking a Friday off

First dinner out in over a year

A pretty new cup

Getting my haircut

Simple Sunday dinners



  1. This is a great list! Your 'getting silly' reminded me Chuck commented about something the other night that made me laugh SO hard! Then he was laughing because I was laughing and that went on for a few minutes. Laughing is so good for the soul!

    1. I love it when one of us laughs at something the other said - then the first one starts laughing - then we're both just laughing because we're both laughing. 😂


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