Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Currently... August 2021

August used to be such a big, busy month in my life.  But now that my kids are all grown - that has changed.  I no longer have all the rush and excitement of the back-to-school season.  I mean, I'm not gonna lie - my heart still skips a beat when I see all those brand new notebooks and pens in the store aisles. But if I buy any of them, it's purely selfish enjoyment now - not due to a long list of required items. 

July was a blur and I fell short on almost all of my goals.  This seems to become a trend and I'm not happy about that.  I didn't even come close to walking 30 minutes a day.  My crochet top is close to being finished - but not done.  I added several new items to the shop - but not the 15 I was shooting for. I have Sunday posts planned for the next several months, but not the rest of the year.  In fact, getting the outlines created and scheduled for Thankful Thursday posts for the rest of the year is about the only thing I can fully mark off the list.  I'm not exactly proud of this.  But the plan is to buckle down and be able to stay something different at the end of this month.

Working On:  Getting back on track...  with setting and accomplishing goals.  With my health.  Drinking more water.  And 

Celebrating:  My dad turns 75 this month!  And after the past couple of years that he has had - kidney failure due to a retained kidney stone, a massive heart attack followed by triple bypass surgery, and another episode leading to a heart cath and stint - it is definitely something to celebrate!

Wanting/Needing:  To dig deep and find the motivation to get things back on track (as mentioned above)

Eating:  My favorite lunch recently has been a veggie wrap.  I start with some hummus and then pile on greens, sprouts, cukes, red or yellow pepper, tomatoes, shredded carrots, garbanzo beans, and some feta or goat cheese.  Delicious!

Loving:  My New(ish) "What I'm Reading Wednesday" feature.  I adore books.  Reading has been one of my very favorite things to do ever since I was a little kid.  And I adore telling others about the books I'm reading.  I've struggled a little bit with writing the posts because I feel as if I'm coming across all school book report-ish.  But hopefully, it's not as bad as I think and I'll get better as it goes along.

Thinking About:  How close we are to the arrival of autumn.  Fall is my favorite season.  I'm already wondering how soon is too soon to put out all my autumn-themed decor.  Should I wait until after Labor Day, or can I get a head start on it after the middle of August?  What's your opinion?

Goals for August:

  • Get everything ready for vacation: packing, dogs and house prepped and ready for the sitter, etc
  • List at least 10 new items to Etsy shop
  • Write 2 posts for shop blog/newsletter
  • Get everything ready for vacation: packing, dogs, and house prepped and ready for sitter.
  • Finish creating Sunday posts for the rest of the year
  • Create healthy meal plans and stick to them!

What is life looking like for you in August?  Any big plans, celebrations, or goals for the month?

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