Monday, October 18, 2021

Monday Musings: Ants

Last week, I came across a quote by Henry David Thoreau that had me thinking about ants.  

"It's not enough to be busy; so are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?" - Henry David Thoreau 

Obviously, humans and ants are very different creatures.  But perhaps there are some lessons we could take from the tiny insects.  Especially when it comes to work and reaching the goals we set for ourselves. 

Every ant has a specific job to do that contributes to the good of the colony.  Some gather food, some build the homes (nests?).  Some care for the queen. Some care for the young.  And by doing their specific work, they are all taking care of each other. 

I seriously doubt that you would find any ant stuck in a cycle of comparison.  I can't imagine an ant wondering why someone else gets to gather food, while they are stuck defending the nest.  Or feeling envy because another ant brought home a bigger picnic crumb than they did.  Ants don't worry about how anyone else is doing.  They are too busy taking care of the task assigned to them. 

Ants are always focused on the work. They stay on task. If you see a line of ants marching along and you place something in their path - they don't give up, turn around, and go home. Sure, there might be some temporary confusion.  But eventually, they will go over the obstacle, or around it and get back to where they are going. 

So, maybe that's the lesson. Keep your eyes on your own work.  Don't compare what you are doing to others.  And when you face a challenge, find a way over it or around it and keep on going. 

"Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones.  Learn from their ways and become wise!" Proverbs 6:6 NLT


  1. This is good. I struggle with this, at home and at work. Comparing myself with others, complaining in my head about others not doing their part... I need to mind my own business and just do what the Lord has placed in front of me for that day. Thank you for this reminder!


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