Thursday, June 20, 2013

Road Trip: Pink Beds (Part 4)

This week's day trip took the entire family hiking at the Pink Beds in Pisgah National Forest.

Despite being a little apprehensive at having wandered off our original trail, we were able to enjoy so much of the natural beauty around us. It made for a full, and tiring afternoon!

Sunlight filtering through the leaves

Mountain stream

A perfect resting spot...

With a great view

Finally heading home, after a long afternoon of exploring. This sign made me happy because this was photo #477 on my memory card - of forest service road #477.  (I'm a geek like that)


  1. Beautiful pics. I know y'all had a great time. And, I'm a "geek like that", too about things like that!!! ;-) Happy first weekend of summer to you and your family!!!


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