Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Road Trip: Paint Creek

Saturday the Man of the House and I took a road trip up to Greeneville, TN.

The main purpose of the trip was to meet up with his second cousin once removed (??) at the T. Elmer Cox Historical and Genealogical library to share family information and for him to scan some photos and documents she had.  It was a nice meeting and a few hours just seemed to fly while they chatted.  Much to his surprise she ended up sending him home with some family treasures - including a large portrait of his great-great grandparents and a family Bible!  

We took the "long way" home through Paint Creek, past Paint Rock, and down the French Broad River through Hot Springs.  We've traveled this way many times through various seasons and it is always beautiful! 

This time we found the creek and river were high thanks to all the rain from tropical storm Andrea on Friday. 

As I was busy snapping pictures of Paint Creek, I noticed the Man of the House wandering across the road and up a little trail hidden across the street.  I followed him and as I came to the top of the embankment, I was met with this:

The beauty of this little spot just took my breath away!  A tiny stream which feeds into Paint Creek.  Flowing in a small waterfall over moss covered rocks.  A small pool at the bottom.  Everything dim, and quiet and green.  It was simply stunning!

We continued down Paint Creek to where it meets up with the French Broad River at Paint Rock

French Broad River @ Paint Rock

Paint Rock

This little cross with the spray painted arrow caught my eye and reminded me of  Isaiah 30:21: " Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”

In the shadow of Paint Rock


  1. Beckey, I loved taking this picture trip with you!
    Great photos and narrating!
    How wonderful that your husband was given the portrait of his great-great grandparents and a family Bible! Such treasures!
    Blessings and love, my friend ~ Mary

  2. Beautiful pictures. And, would you believe, Greeneville, TN is only about an hour away from me! You were soooooo close!!! ;-)

  3. It's amazing how harsh rains can create something so beautiful! Glad you got to experience this!

  4. Love the "long way" home pictures! So beautiful!


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