Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Past The Doubt

There is faith which is inherited.  Knowing what you know and believing it because it is what you have always been told and shown examples of in life.  When you just believe what you know to be true without question.

Then there is faith born from doubt.  When you have asked the questions.  You have done the searching in the dark and have found the light.

I believe it's not unusual to have questions or to doubt.  We wonder if God cares about us.  We question if we have strayed to far to find our way back to Him.  We doubt His love.  We doubt His grace.  We may even doubt His very existence.

The Man of the House and I both grew up Catholic.  As a young couple identifying ourselves as Catholic, we did all the things we were supposed to do.  We got married in the church.  We attended Mass almost every week and on holy days.  We took communion.  We baptized our children. Sure, there were a few things in the church's teaching which we didn't 100% agree with, but nothing we couldn't live with.

But over time the doubts began to grow. I found myself wondering what (if anything) I did believe.

We stopped going to Mass and attended different churches here and there.  Over time, we became complacent about finding a church and grew fond of our lazy Sundays filled with sleeping in and spending all morning on the couch.  I stopped searching for God's will and began following my own path.

But at some point you look around and realize that what you are doing just isn't working.  You see exactly how far away that path has led you from God and exactly how lost you really are.  You come to the end of yourself and cry out for help.

The good news is that God is always there - loving you and patiently waiting for you to return to Him.  Not to condemn you, but to forgive.  To comfort you.  To give you strength.   To light the path and show you the way.

It's not about the church you attend.  It's not about doing certain things or following some set of man-made rules.  It's not about you at all.  It's about His mercy and grace.  It's about what Christ did up on the cross for each of us.  It's about God's love and greatness.

When you realize that He has the answers you have been looking for; that is the moment you see the light and find your way out of the darkness.  That is where you move past the doubt and find your faith.


  1. New follower from "2 Blessed 2 Be Stressed" Wednesday blog hop. I look forward to connecting. Thanks for this great post(shared on my facebook page). I'm so thankful that God is always there by our side...never leaving or forsaking us! Thank you for reminding me again! Have a blessed week!

    1. Thank you for visiting, following, and sharing! I am so happy to know my post was used to encourage you. Have a lovely thanks-filled day!

  2. Thank you for sharing your story, the one that took you to the end of yourself. Nodding in agreement with you. I know this story well.

  3. beautifully said! It's amazing how faith is so much powerful when you "own" it. I am a new follwoer from Upward Not Inward. love for you to stop by.


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