Friday, February 14, 2014

The 14 Day Marriage Challenge: Day Fourteen

Welcome to Day 14 of the 14 Day Marriage Challenge!

Congratulations! You have made it through the entire 14 day challenge!

The final challenge is: Date Night!

That's right - schedule a date night with your husband.  Just the two of you!  Since today is Valentine's Day, maybe you already have something special planned for this weekend. (yes, that counts!) If not, schedule some time for just the two of you in the next week or two.  Put it on the calendar and keep it!!

I know with kids and budget constraints, a night out on the town might not be possible.  But don't worry - there are tons of things you can do together at home, or for cheap (even free). There are tons and tons of ideas on the internet.  Here are a few links I have on my Pinterest board that might help you:

50 Things to do Together (other than watch a movie)

70 Date Night Ideas

100 Ways to Date Your Spouse

Top 20 Stay at Home Date Night Ideas

I hope you'll take time to leave a comment and tell us what you're doing for date night!  Also, please let me know what you thought of the challenge and how it worked for you and your marriage. 

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