Monday, March 26, 2012

So Much For Multi-tasking

I can't believe it's been an entire week since I last posted!  I haven't had one creative blogging idea in my head for the past week.  Nope, not a single one.  When it comes to blog post concepts, my mind has been like a dry pool.

Just so no one thinks I have been a complete slug for the past 7 days - I have been coming up with crafty crochet ideas for my new Etsy shop.  Queen B's Busy Work is up and running, and will have new inventory on display soon.  My fingers have been furiously at work getting some start up merchandise ready.

But, apparently I have reached an age where I am only capable of being creative doing one thing at a time.  And this past week it was crocheting and the store.  Not blogging.  So much for multi-tasking!

1 comment:

  1. I SOOOOO know how those bloggy ideas just up and leave you. Ugh, I've been running low myself. I'm glad you are back! And, congratulations on your esty shop, I wish you oodles of luck. I don't have a talent or skill that I can translate into income, so when I hear of someone that does I think it is fabulous! You go girlfriend!!!


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