Monday, February 17, 2014

A Little Lace & Ribbon

I have had this little short sleeved cardigan which I picked up at the "Tar-jay" a couple of years ago.

It's loose and comfy.  But lately I've been feeling like it was a little 'meh' and hadn't been wearing it. I was on the very brink of getting rid of it forever.  When inspiration struck!
I hand sewed on some pretty lace just above the natural waistline.  Sewing along the edges to leave the middle open, I created a casing to run some ribbon through.
sorry these pics are terrible.  Wish you could see more detail on this!

A little lace, a little ribbon.  And a 'meh' sweater gets a nice new feminine touch. Just what it needed to encourage me to keep it around and get some more wear out of it!


  1. Hey Beckey,
    That is super cute! Quick and easy addition and a good example of shopping our closets. Great job!

  2. Great job. I refashioned a top, but haven't gotten around to sharing it...or wearing it, either!!! ;-) HOPE you're having a great week!


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