Thursday, September 18, 2014

A Spirit of Gratitude: September 18


Cinnamon raisin bagels
Coming home to the smell of dinner in the crock pot
Donuts and coffee
The Man of the House taking the family out for dinner
Looking at Halloween costumes with the grand baby 
Feeling God's presence
Dinner at PF Chang's
Bedroom primed and ready for paint

Lunch with friends
Panthers are 2-0!
Surprising the male offspring with a box of Jaffa Cakes
New inspiration
Time by myself for grocery shopping
The sound of geese calling to each other early in the morning
Breakfast for dinner
Quick and easy Amazon returns
Grilled ham and cheese sandwiches
The Man of the House helping with new ideas for Etsy shop
Honey Lemon cough drops 
post signature 


  1. neat list and love the sayings too. Coming over from Thought provoking Thursdays. Glad to find your blog!

  2. Very nice! I'm thankful for my sweet blogger buds like you Beckey! Thank you for all your support!


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