Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Wrapping Up Summer and Putting A Bow On It

So long, summer!  Fall has arrived!  And I am one happy camper! 

You may recall, I had some big plans for summer.  As you look at the list below - you'll see I didn't exactly rule my to-do list.  And I am perfectly ok with that!  It was summer, after all.  I'm sure I'll do better on my fall list.

  • Finish up redecorating projects in office/guest room and the male offspring's room
  •  Hike!
  • Get rid of another 10 pounds
  • Take part in my first 5k
  • Make new decoration for front door
  • Create the gallery wall in entry
  • Pick wildflowers
  • Make homemade ice cream
  • Complete Adult Summer Reading program at library
  • Finish sewing pillow covers for living room throw pillows
  • Spend a day outside relaxing and reading

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  1. I am a fall lover too. There is something so calming about a chill in the air and falling colored leaves. :). Hey, at least you marked off some things! <3

  2. This is my favorite time of year, too!!! You got a lot accomplished this summer, though!!! HOPE you have a great Thursday!

  3. What a beautiful summer it was...now on to a blessed autumn! Here from UNITE!


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