Monday, January 26, 2015

A Spirit of Gratitude: January 26

This Week I Am Thankful For:

Exciting NFL playoff games
My last big juicy cheeseburger for a while
The male offspring making dessert
Early to bed
Starting healthy eating plan
Oatmeal with cinnamon and walnuts
A nice custom order
The kiddos all going for a walk together
Quiet mornings
Hanging clothes on the line - in January
Noticing the daffodils are starting to grow

Reorganized pantry
Texts with my niece
A decluttered "junk" drawer
One perfect white cloud in a clear blue sky
Feta cheese
I did NOT hit two deer with my car
The Man of the House starting to feel better
Hearing a bird start singing as the sun rises
Baked salmon
The sound of sleet on the windows
Staying warm inside when it's cold and rainy outside
The female offspring picking her brother up from school for me
A weight loss of 3.8 lbs
Three years with the grand baby
Grocery shopping with the Man of the House
Warm January days

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  1. Almost 4 pounds, that's awesome! Lots to be grateful for!

  2. Birdsong and daffodils! I love tge start of spring well done on the weightloss too #thankfulthursday


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