Monday, January 5, 2015

SEEK 2015

I haven't actually said it here yet, so... Happy New Year!

Yes, 2015 has arrived. Quietly for me.  Slipping in without fanfare, bells, or whistles.  And I am perfectly OK with that.  More than OK.  Really just the way I like it.

So here we are.  A new year.  Which for many people means a new set of resolutions - or goals if you prefer.  For the second year in a row, for me it means a new word.  A new focus for the year.

Until the morning of January 1, I thought that word was going to be 'Pray'.  It was a good enough word and aligned well with some thoughts I had been having recently.  Pray seemed like a nice choice.

But that morning the word 'SEEK' presented itself.  Staring me almost quite literally in the face.  And at that moment I felt the Spirit nudging me towards Matthew 6:33.

Something clicked into place.  And quite at the last moment- 2015 became a year to SEEK.

A year to Seek: Joy, Love, Knowledge, New Experiences, Contentment, a spirit of Gratitude, Peace, Wisdom, Friendship, and Health.

But first and foremost to SEEK God.  His kingdom.  His righteousness. His will.  A closer relationship with Him.

Knowing that by doing this - all these other things will be given to me as well. According to His promise.

So this year, I will SEEK.

SEEK God's will for me.  SEEK His best for me.  SEEK to serve and encourage others.  SEEK to be the very best me - the woman God intends for me to be.

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  1. What a great word for the year! I love it ☺️

    1. Thanks Amy! I can hardly wait to see where it takes me! Have a great week!

  2. Love! Not only have you shared your word with us, you have encouraged me to seek Him more in all of my living. :) Gosh, how we lived closer to each other. I'm pretty certain we would have a blast!!

  3. Oh I love this post - yes let's SEEK more of everything. I picked mine too it is GROW. Trying to get less comfortable!

    1. Yes! As we seek... as we grow ... it's all about stepping out of those comfort zones and moving forward!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Mandy. Can't take the credit for it. The Lord showed me the word - and gave me the message. The Glory is all His.

  5. Beckey, This was a great message. I had 4 words to pray over for 2015 and it came to me on New Year's Eve. SEEK was going to be my word for 2015. Then I get your wonderful blog about the word SEEK.God gave me this word and I was so blessed by your blog. My Bible Verse for the year is Matthew 6:33. Thank you so much for your post on SEEK. Happy New Year.....

    1. Barbara - I am so excited to find someone else focusing on the same word and verse!! 😁

  6. Thank you for posting to Motivation Monday!

  7. Love your word for the year! My word for the year is actually 'Pray'. I wasn't sure I loved this word - it seems boring compared to some. And yet I know its perfect for me. I am newly sharing my story of healing from childhood abuse at - I have had breakthroughs and victories, but many days are a challenge. Remembering to pray is just the thing I need. How gracious that my loving, heavenly Father knew, and whispered His truth into my life.
    I'd love it if you'd stop by my blog and share your thoughts.

    1. If God hadn't handed SEEK to me at the last moment then PRAY would have been my word also. Checked out your blog. Very powerful!


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