Friday, January 23, 2015

The Journey Has Begun

This week was... well it was a start.


I'm not gonna lie.  Last weekend as a sort of last hurrah to my bad habits, I indulged in some chocolate fudge brownies with cream cheese frosting.  And I had the man fix me a big juicy blue cheese burger with fries.  After that though It. Was. On.

I did well with healthier eating.  Making myself eat breakfast - usually oatmeal with some Chia seeds added to it along with a handful of chopped walnuts and sprinkle of cinnamon.  Although I also discovered these Cheerios Ancient Grains which are quite yummy with a little almond milk.  (thank you Amanda for the heads up on those!)

I'm struggling with lunch a little.  I don't like to put a lot of fuss or time into making myself a lunch.  Because of that this week it has been a salad or a Hummus and veggie sandwich on whole wheat flat breads.  I think next week I might try making a quinoa and veggie salad that can last me a few days.

I am drinking a lot more water.  Haven't had a soda since last weekend. I also found the power to walk right past Starbucks, not once - but Twice this week!

Exercise.  Um..  well.  I really want to give an excuse about how the whole week was thrown off by the holiday and a teacher work day or whatever.  But when you get right down to it - I just didn't make time for it.

I did wear my FitBit (since about noon on Monday when I finally figured out where I had left it) and am much more aware of how much I am not moving.  It's something I know I need to work on.

Today:  January 23
Start Weight: 167.8 lbs
Weight Today: 164.0 lbs
This week I exercised: none
Steps walked:  13785

My goal updates for Week 1:
*  Drink enough water ✔
*  Wear FitBit daily ✔
*  Exercise at least 3 to 5 days

My goals for Week 2:
*  Drink enough water
*  Wear FitBit daily
*  Increase daily step totals
*  Exercise at least 3 days

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1 comment:

  1. 3.8 lbs is awesome! You're doing great! The exercise will happen!


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