Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Song in my Heart

I have caught myself singing this song so often lately.  It's a beautiful song, and the message of how Jesus will meet us where ever we are - no matter how far we have wandered - touches my heart and makes my soul rejoice!  I especially love the line "earth has no sorrow that heaven can't heal" 

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  1. We sing this in worship! Powerful song. Lately, I've had an OLD one on my mind - On God the solid rock I'll stand all other ground is sinking sand.....all other ground is sinking sand. If you don't mind say a prayer for me I face some news tomorrow that has me very scared. I know God's got this but I'm a human and I worry. Thanks and have a blessed Sunday.

    1. "When every earthly prop gives way, then He is all my hope and stay" Love that one too!!


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