Monday, February 23, 2015

A Spirit of Gratitude: February 23

Happy Monday everyone!  The last Monday of February  - if you can believe that.  Another entire month just about gone.  It's had its ups and downs, but all in all its been a pretty good month.


Waking up in a winter wonderland

Not losing power during the ice storm
Sun sparkling in the ice covered trees
Time for myself in the afternoon
The beginning of Lent
Binging on Netflix on a cold afternoon
The sound of melting ice dripping from the roof
The grand baby drawing pictures on the whiteboard
Improvising dinner
Getting out of the House for a little while
Valentine's clearance sale
Skinny Caffè  Mocha
Frozen grass
Hershey kisses
A big salad
An afternoon nap
New hats for the grand baby
New goals

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  1. Yes, Netflix has saved all of us when the weather is dicey!

  2. Netflix....I'm very thankful for that!!! Also, thankful that Spring comes in a month.


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