Monday, March 9, 2015

A Spirit of Gratitude - March 9

Ever just go through a period when you felt completely overwhelmed by gratitude?  Like you were just compelled to praise God, but even when you did it just didn't feel like enough?  That's pretty much right where I am right now.  It's as if blessing after blessing is being heaped into my life.  And yeh... it's a pretty great feeling. 


Marking off the To Do list
Breakfast for Dinner (brinner)
2 Etsy sales within <2 hours="" p="">

Finding a good deal on a new dress
Fresh bed linens
Etsy orders ready to ship
Amazing Spring-like day
Surprise news from my sister
Mom's birthday
Business dinner with the Man of the House
Trying delicious new foods
Birthday lunch with my mom
New pj pants
Clean house
Pizza night
Starburst jellybeans

New dishwasher
Nathan making dinner
Waking up early despite time change

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  1. Who doesn't love new pjs!! Time to get some for Spring!

  2. We love Brinner' here, and ticking off the to do list is a very lovely feeling. It's great to have you back with #thankfulthursday


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