Tuesday, March 24, 2015

We're All The Same

We are all the same in God's eyes.  Beloved prodigal children.  Wanted wanderers.  Sinners in need of redemption.  He loves all of us.  Deeply.  Freely.  Completely.

He died for all people.  The people you love.  And the ones you don't like very much.  He died for the ones who make you smile when you think of them.  And the ones who make you cringe.  He died for ALL of us.  Every single one. Because He loves each of us just that much.

(Yes.  Even that person you're thinking of right now.)

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  1. Oh, yes - all of us - the prodigals included. He has such a heart for his lost children! Shalom, Beckey!

  2. One of my favorite verses. And yes, it applies to "that person," too. :D

  3. Hi, Beckey! :) Short and sweet and to the point, but packed with so much truth. Thanks for sharing with us at Grace and Truth last week!
    Jen @ Being Confident of This


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