Thursday, June 8, 2017

Introducing - It's OK Thursday

We all know that things in life aren't always bright and sunny.  There are things we wish we were better at.  Times when we feel that we come up a little short.  Situations that challenge us, confuse us, frustrate us, and drain us.  The mundane. 

And you know what?  That's OK!!

The Bible tells us that all things, even the not-so-pretty ones, are all part of a plan and that God works all things together for good.  Those things can help us to grow.  To learn.   And sometimes they're just what they are.

But in this Pinterest world - we often feel like anything less than perfect is to be hidden away.  Brushed under the rug.  Embarrassing.  When we might be better served by telling ourselves and each other  "It's OK"  and "Me too!"  That It's OK to be yourself - flaws and all.

Which is why I am launching "It's OK Thursday".  To acknowledge all those things that would probably never make an appearance on your Facebook or Instagram page, but in the grand scheme of things are, well...  OK.

For Example:

It's OK that I was going to make meatballs with spaghetti squash for dinner tonight, but I'm feeling lazy so it's just going to be a simple meat sauce instead.

It's OK that I bought new note cards about 3 weeks ago because I owe my oldest and dearest friend a letter - and I haven't even opened the pack yet.

It's OK that the same cutting board and measuring cup have been in the dish drainer since Sunday because I haven't bothered to put them back in the cabinet.

It's OK that I sometimes just the silliest little things can make me cry.

I would love to have all of you join in and share the things in your life that are OK.  A little honesty.  So... next week (Thursday June 15) write your own "It's OK' post, then come on over and share it with us.

See you then!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Beckey~

    I really love this idea! I know so many women who feel far from adequate. I have a sweet little friend, who says that she is just ordinary, nothing special. It makes me so sad, because she is far from just ordinary, she is very special in so many ways. I love that you have given us a venue to just . . . say that we are just like everyone else, nothing out of the ordinary . . . but special in every way, because of it!

    I can't wait to share next week - It's ok that I have to think about these kind of answers, right?!



Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the blogdom! I love hearing what you have to say; so please take a moment to share your thoughts!