Thursday, June 15, 2017

"It's OK" Thursday #1

It's that time of the week...

"It's OK" Thursday!   This is our chance to acknowledge all those things that would probably never make an appearance on your Pinterest boards, but in the grand scheme of things are, well...  OK.

It's OK that I have been meaning to make the same meal for the past three days, but keep forgetting to prepare the crockpot to start it in time.

It's OK that I removed the polish from my fingers and toes last weekend - and still haven't repainted them

It's OK that I thought there are three weeks left in June - when there are only two!

It's OK that Cleveland lost the NBA Finals

It's OK not to have any clue what I'm doing for The Man of the House for Father's Day (or my dad either, for that matter)

Now it's your turn!  Share your "It's OK' post below:

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