Thursday, February 15, 2018

A Spirit of Gratitude: February 15

Clear blue skies
"Clean out the fridge" dinner night
Waking up feeling rested
Sunshine before the rain
The taste of coffee
My dad stopping by for a visit
Spring cleaning plans
Weird memo board messages like "Velcro dog"
Morning kisses
Lying in the dark listening to the rain pour down
My husband is my best friend
Rainy, foggy, hazy days
The bird outside my bvedroom window telling me it's time to get up
When I can finally fall asleep after tossing and turning for hours
The grandkid dressed up "like a 100 year old man"

Knowing I am loved
Valentine texts
Making mini cheesecake bites for my guys

What are you thankful for this week?

With Love,
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