Saturday, February 3, 2018

Saturday Coffee: The First Cup

Imagine if we were able to sit down over coffee and chat face to face.  What would we talk about? 

We'd probably discuss our weeks.  What we did.  What we didn't get a chance to do.  The highs and lows.  The good.  The bad.  The funny.  The sad.

We'd talk about things we had seen and experienced recently.  You'd tell me about something that made you think.  I'd tell you about something that made me laugh.  Or something that surprised me.

We'd share how we're feeling about things going on in our lives and the world.

That's what I'm hoping will happen in this space in the foreseeable future.

So grab a cup of coffee (or whatever your beverage of choice is right now)  and let's talk!  No set topic - just me chatting with you about... well, what ever!  Just sharing my general thoughts on whatever has been going on during the week.

For example:

The Man of the House was in Connecticut on business at the beginning of the week.   He wasn't feeling very well before he left, and while there he was sick.  When he got home, he was feeling bad enough that he took the next two days off work.  He hardly ever takes sick days, so when he does you know he really doesn't feel well!

The male offspring has also been sick.  Both of them seem to have the same thing -  coughs, body aches  and fevers.  I have been washing my hands, taking Airborne, drinking OJ and sucking on Vitamin C immune support in a desperate attempt to avoid catching this nastiness myself.  So far, so good!

Over at the home of the female offspring, the grand kid apparently has the same thing. While his poor mom has been recuperating after catching the pink eye he had last week!

My poor mom had a horrible case of the flu.  Come to think of it - I'm about the only person in my family NOT sick in one form or another right now!  (** takes more Airborne...

Last weekend the Man of the House and I got a new mattress set.  King size.  It's huge!  I'm still getting used to it.  Right now it's still kind of like sleeping in a hotel bed - nice, but doesn't feel like my bed.  Do you know what I mean?

I have been craving lemon bars lately. Since I wasn't really feeling up to all that is involved in making those from scratch.  I picked up a Krusteaz boxed mix to try.  I think I'll make those this weekend.  They'll make a yummy dessert for Super Bowl Sunday.

Speaking of the Super Bowl.  We're keeping it low key and simple here this year.  The Man of the House is going to make his favorite chili, while I have the makings for a veggie tray and some cheese and crackers for game time nibbles.  Will you be watching the big game?  What are you serving?

If there's anything you'd like me to talk about or any questions you want me to answer in weeks to come - just leave me a comment.

What's new with you this week?

With Love,
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1 comment:

  1. You should eat raw garlic! Just chop it into the size of a pill and swallow it. Totally keeps the sickies away. Not sure if ir is because of its antibiotic properties or if it just wards off people in general so you never get sneezed on.


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