Friday, February 2, 2018

Currently... February 2018

February is the shortest month of the year and that means Spring is right around the corner. I haven't heard the "official" report, but based on the weather around here - I'm guessing the groundhog is NOT going to see any shadow.

Reading:  The Road from Gap Creek by Robert Morgan.  I read Gap Creek years ago and it was so depressing!  Which is why I have hesitated to give the sequel a try.  But, now... here we are.

Working On:  The current online Bible study with Proverbs 31 Ministries...  I Am Loved by Wendy Blight.  As y'all know - LOVE is my word for this year.  So when I saw this was the first Bible study of the year it was clearly meant to be.

Enjoying:  The winter weather.  I know, I know... a lot of you are over winter by this point. But I don't mind the cold (as long as it's not too dang cold).  I never outgrew the excitement of waking up to snow on the ground.  And I really enjoy cuddling up with a warm beverage and a book or some crochet to watch the snow fall.

Anticipating:  Developing some new good-for-me habits this month.  More about that HERE

Feeling:  A little apprehensive...  the men in my house have all had a nasty upper respiratory virus thing going on and I am trying very hard not to catch it.  Plenty of Airborne, Vitamin C and Orange juice for me!

What is life Currently looking like for you?

With Love,
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1 comment:

  1. That drink looks fabulous!

    Don't forget Vitamin D. Not sure why, but it seems to keep me from getting sick.

    I hope Spring is coming soon. It's too cold here!


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