Saturday, February 17, 2018

Saturday Coffee: Caffiene and Tears

Grab a cup of coffee (or tea - or whatever your beverage of choice is right now)  and let's talk! 

I don't even know where to start when it comes to the past week.  

Wednesday was a Valentine's Day.  And Ash Wednesday.  It should have been a day where our only thoughts were on love and the upcoming Lenten season.  Instead it was a day when we once again had to cope with young people being terrorized and murdered by one of their own.  In a school of all places.  

I can't really discuss this with any clarity.  I have so many thoughts and emotions.  So many opinions, many of which seem to completely contradict each other.  As the young people say "I just can't even..."  (how old does that make me sound?)

The only thing I know with any certainty is that my heart is broken for every single student, parent, family, staff member, law enforcement officer, and fire and rescue worker who had to face this horror.  

I saw somewhere that today is Random Acts of Kindness day.  And perhaps that's the best thing we can do this week.  Be kind.  Love on others.  Give of ourselves.  And maybe, in doing that, we can help to overcome a tiny bit of the evil we have seen existing in the world this week.  

With Love,
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  1. We can not control what someone else does, only what we do. We can be kind. We can be there. We can help. Small actions change the world.

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