Saturday, February 10, 2018

Saturday Coffee: Maybe This Week We Should Have Tea with Honey

Grab a cup of coffee (or whatever your beverage of choice is right now)  and let's talk! 

Despite all of my efforts, I ended up catching whatever the Man of the House and the Male Offspring had last week.  I won't say that all the things I was doing to boost my immune system were a waste though.  While they were both sick for the better part of a week, my symptoms peaked and started feeling better after a couple of days.  And I don't think I ever felt as bad as they seemed to.  So... whether they had some minor flu that my shot helped protect me from, or all the Airborne and Vitamin C helped is unknown, or maybe it was just a nasty cold.  I'm just glad I didn't have it worse!

This flu year has been a bad one.  No doubt about it.  My own mother is still dealing with residual effects from an especially nasty case after 2 weeks!.  However, I also think that the media is doing a bang up job of scaring the daylights out of us and sharing all the very worst of the stories. 

I'm not surprised that emergency rooms are flooded.  I think people are so scared by what they're seeing on the TV every evening that they are rushing to the ER with the flu when they would usually go to their primary Dr.  It's important to be aware, take precautions like getting a flu shot, hand washing, and knowing when to seek medical treatment.  Just don't allow yourself to be controlled by fear.

The weather we've been having around here probably doesn't help much either.  One weekend it's cold and icy.  A few days later it's pouring rain.  And a few days after that it's 60 degrees.  Mother Nature is on a meteorological roller coaster!

I hope all of you are staying healthy.  If you should happen to get sick - I hope you have someone in your life like my wonderful hubby.  The Man of the House stopped on his way home from work to pick up ginger ale, cough drops, and some sherbet for me.  He's a keeper!

Have a great weekend and a wonderful week.

With Love,
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