Thursday, May 14, 2020

Thankful Thursday: May 14

I Am Thankful For:

Knowing when to bite my tongue
Banana muffins
Puppy "hugs"
My nephew's birthday
Leftover pulled pork
Walking the puppy in the rain
Sun rise
A project completed
When God's Word speaks deep into my heart
Laughing with the grand kid
The puppy stopped vomiting
Pet wellness plan
Ice cream treats with the grand kid
The falling tree didn't damage anything other than the gutter
The Male Offspring helping me out
Take out dinner
Quiet time
Mother's Day texts
Big set of colored pencils
New oil diffuser


  1. You found something to be thankful for when a tree fell on your house?! You win!! :) I'm glad it wasn't more serious. (Oh wait, there's something else to be thankful for, huh?) Knowing when to bite my tongue... priceless!! Have a great weekend Beckey!

    1. It's an easier matter to be thankful when the tree only did some minor damage to the corner of the gutter. If there was more damage to the house it might be a lot more challenging to find something to be thankful for about the situation. Have a wonderful week.


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