Monday, July 12, 2021

Monday Musings: Tired

 I'm running behind and it's only Monday.  I'm going to blame it on being so incredibly tired.  

Last night, my dachshund Max did not want to go to sleep.  He went in his crate as usual when we went to bed. And then he spent the next hour whining.  I thought, ok.. maybe he needs to go potty. So, I took him out, he did his business, and then right back to the crate.  After another 30 minutes of whining, I started to get worried (since he was so sick recently) so I took him out and went to the living room with him.  Where he wanted to play!!  He squeaked his ball and ran around for a while.  I was not a happy dog mom.  Finally, about a quarter to one when he settled in with his chew bone, I decided enough was enough and if he wanted to gnaw on his chew toy for a while, he could do it in his crate.  Back he went.  He did whine a  couple of times, but then quieted and went to sleep peacefully for the rest of the night.  All I can think is that maybe he didn't get as much activity during the day yesterday as usual, so I am making a point of playing with him more today in hopes that we have a better night tonight.  

I'm already feeling exhausted due to the lack of sleep.  I also have two nasty bug bites on my arm.  When I first got them on Saturday afternoon the whole arm itched like crazy.  It's not that bad now, but I have two huge welts that are both itchy enough to have me taking Benedryl.  Which, of course, only makes me even sleepier. I could really use an iced coffee, but I know if I drink another one now in the middle of the afternoon - I'll have trouble falling asleep tonight.

This lack of energy is going to make it challenging to accomplish my goals for this week, but I'm not letting that stop me from setting them and making a good effort to check them off the list. 

Goals For This Week:

  • Take pictures of new items for the Etsy shop
  • Create new listings for Etsy shop
  • Walk 10 minutes 2x/day
  • Create Sunday posts for the 3rd quarter
  • Go on a hike with the Man of the House
What are your goals for the week?  May you get enough sleep to give you the energy for all of them!

1 comment:

  1. Not sure if you want to strangle or hug your puppy, right? I hope you were able to get more sleep last night.

    I work outside the home and this week is over-the-top busy. We're doing our VBA and we've had 500+ kids every day! Plus the 200 volunteers... so crazy! I understand about feeling exhausted due to lack of sleep!


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