Monday, November 15, 2021

Making A List and Checking It Twice

I made a pretty big mistake last week.  I got busy last weekend and didn't prioritize making a list of goals and tasks to do for the week.  And, as a result, I was pretty much all over the place every single day. I couldn't seem to focus or stay on task with anything I tried to accomplish.  

Fortunately, I still managed to get several things, such as completing an order, cleaning and reorganizing the pantry, and cleaning out both freezers. But other things never happened, like writing blog posts or rearranging the dining room.  

I found out the hard way that I really need that visual list of things I want to complete to keep myself on track and accountable.  Without it, I drift through the days without much sense of direction or urgency.  Lesson learned. 

Not only does keeping a weekly (and daily) list of goals and tasks help me to stay focused and organized, but it gives me a nice sense of accomplishment as I check items off the list. Without it, I often find that I feel like I didn't get much done - even though I really did. 

And since we're talking about my list for the week.  Here it is:

  • Create and run "Before Black Friday' sale in Etsy shop
  • Complete and mail 3 orders
  • Rearrange dining room
  • Catch up on laundry
  • Focus on writing new blog posts

I'll be more intentional about making my lists of goals and tasks from now. Do you keep a regular to-do list?


  1. Writing a weekly activity list is quite rewarding, I found myself doing it regularly sometime ago. Suddenly I began losing interest, it starred by not being faithful to it and often adding more or subtraction from the original list. I realized I was losing focus. I also noticed that the more I didn't keep to what I wrote down, the more I derailed in other life goals. I have decided NOW to make it a habit. It is working and keeps me focused doing the needful. Thanks for bringing this up.

    1. I completely agree! Sounds like we had similiar experiences when we started sliding away from the habit of keeping a list. I hope you'll let me know how you are doing keeping up with your list and your goals.

  2. When I don't keep a running list I become disorganized and just dart from thing to thing throughout the day. My brain feels chaotic and it's hard to focus. But if I have a list to go off of, I feel like I've truly accomplished something. It helps to look at it at the end of the day and visually see what I've done and make a good plan for getting the rest done the next day.

    The list I wrote on Wednesday has: Make appointment with hair salon (planning to do that in the morning); Dentist 11am; Greeting cards; Rent storage. I made 8 greeting cards on Wednesday and went to the dentist. Plus yard work, laundry... but it feels SO good to cross those things off!


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