Monday, December 27, 2021

Monday Musings: What's Next?

If I'm honest, I feel as if this blog lost its sense of direction and identity somewhere along the way.  It started at a place of transition and change in my life and along the way, it's had a difficult time keeping up and has just been meandering for a while now.

As this year winds down and the new one begins soon, I have a goal to bring the blog up to speed with my life.  I guess you could say that it's time for a blog makeover.  Not so much a "new year, new you", but more like "new year, more you". 

As a result, I will be focusing more on life as a middle-aged woman.  The things that matter to women in our (my) age group.  Health and wellness (keep an eye out for more menopause-related posts!), faith, family (with grown children and grandkids), resources for midlife, etc. 

I'll also be dropping a few polls on my Instagram in the coming weeks to find out what YOU would like to read more of on the blog.  So, stay tuned for that. 

I've got my guys home this week, so I'm relaxing and not setting any big goals for myself.  Those can wait for next week when we're starting 2022.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, enjoy your guys! I've always enjoyed your blog and look forward to what you have planned for next year.


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