Monday, January 3, 2022

Currently: January 2022

Not only is today Monday... It's the first Monday of 2022! How's your new year going so far?  Mine has been suuuper lazy.  I'll let you in on a little secret if you promise not to judge me. Deal?  Ok, here goes - my Christmas decorations are still up. I know, I know.  But don't worry.  They're coming down today. Definitely tomorrow at the latest. 

My guys go back to work today. It's going to seem so quiet around here without them here. But I'm also looking forward to getting back to the usual routine.

Working On:  I decided to take on a year-long crochet project in the form of a temperature blanket. This is a crocheted blanket created with different color yarns that you have assigned to different temperature ranges. Each day you crochet a row with the color associated with the high (or low, or average) temperature for that day. (You can read more about temperature blankets HERE

I also plan to spend the next several weeks getting all the skiens of yarn in my stash wound into yarn cakes and reorganizing all of them.

Celebrating: Not much. There are no special occasions happening in January that our family celebrates. I guess we'll just have to find a few everyday things to celebrate this month!

Wanting/Needing: Hmm... Someone to put away my Christmas stuff? LOL 

Eating: After the holidays, I am feeling a little gross.  I ate too much junk and over indulged on many, many days.  It's time to get back to healthy eating.   Lots of chicken, fish, whole grains, fruits and veggies. 

Loving: The new year. I love that sense of a beginning. New years. Spring. Back to school. There's something about a fresh start and all the promise and hope that goes along with it.

Goals for January:

  • Eat healthy and track all food on Healthi app
  • Drink at least 64 oz of water per day
  • Start Easter items for Etsy shop
  • Start winding yarn into cakes and reorganizing it
  • Write 3 blog posts per week

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard of a temperature blanket. I clicked on your link and learned there is a lot more to it than I thought. I looked on google as well and they're gorgeous! What a fun idea!

    For the first time ever, I put my Christmas stuff away on the 27th. I usually wait until after the first of the year but we've had a lot of snow days since Christmas and I've been able to get a lot done. It feels good going into the new year with everything put away. Who knew?! :)


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