Monday, January 10, 2022

Monday Musings: In A Fog

 As I'm writing this post it's almost 4:30 on Sunday afternoon.  I should say as I'm trying to write this. I am dealing with a serious case of foggy brain and the words are not coming easy.  When they come at all.  

It's been like this for the entire past week.  I have what seems to be just a general inability to concentrate on things.  Just getting a simple task accomplished is taking forever because I can't seem to focus on anything at all. 

On paper, I got a lot accomplished last week.  There were several tasks marked off the ol' to-do list.  But it feels like I didn't get much of anything done.  I realize that probably doesn't really make any sense.  It definitely doesn't. 

Perhaps it's because it was the week after the Christmas break.  The guys went back to work and I was at home by myself trying to get back to my "normal" routines.  After over a week of staying up later than usual and having lazy days watching football games and movies.  

Maybe it's because after indulging over the holidays, I am trying to get back to healthier eating and my brain is struggling to adjust to the lack of processed sugars? I also haven't been treating myself to a little caffeine boost in the afternoons. 

Or, there's always the chance that it is my hormones. (or lack thereof) I feel like almost anything can be blamed on perimenopause.  

Whatever it is, I'm hoping that it's on the way out and I'll be able to stay focused and knock out all of my goals for the coming week.  

What are my goals for the week?  Well, I'm glad you asked!

  • Clean and organize bedroom
  • Clean out fridge
  • Write 3 blog posts
  • Prep Sunday posts for this quarter
  • Ship 3 Etsy orders
What are your goals for the week? 

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