Thursday, January 14, 2016

Every Time

And once again, just like that - God comes through!

So, why...  WHY do I always end up fearing, and worrying,  and doubting when he shows me over and over and over that He always has a plan.  ALWAYS!

How easily I forget.

I can almost imagine God, shaking His head and gently saying "What have I told you?  Have I ever let you down before?  TRUST ME!"
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  1. The joys of being a mere human! Over the last two years I have been really good at not worrying to terribly and slowly but surely worry sneaks in a little here and a little there. All in all I have to FOCUS my attention to Him and I get back to being just fine. xoxoxox Amanda

  2. Like Amanda said, because we are human. It is ok ---He knows, Beckey, He knows...Have a beautiful day, friend.

  3. He knows us...and knows our hearts....and when He does shake His head at us, I think He does it with a gentle smile!!! ;-) So glad you had prayers answered!


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