Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Four years ago yesterday at 8:35am, a 10 pound 2 ounce bundle of joy entered our lives. The Man of the House and I officially became grandparents.  And it has been an amazingly fun, and exhausting, four years!

To celebrate his birthday, I did a little interview with the grand baby (at what point do I have to stop calling him that?)  Here are the results:

How old are you?
I'm four

What's your favorite color?
Blue.  Like Sonic.

What's your favorite thing to do?
Playing Sonic and Pac-Man with the buttons on the Gameboy

What do you want to be when you grow up?
um... (big pause) um... mommy.  Oh!  An astronaut now.

What is your favorite food?
Cookies.  And breakfast.

What do you not like to eat?

What is your favorite animal?
Gorillas and monkeys

What do you like about gorillas?
About them climbing trees

I love:

What is special about you?
Walking and running feet.  But I am a little fast, Oma.  I am a lot fast and a little fast!

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  1. Oh, how sweet. There's nothing like grand babies. I'm thinking they'll ALWAYS be our babies. ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Love that little guy and cannot believe he is 4 already! Great interview!

  4. I loved this!! Thank you for sharing. He's such an adorable little bean. Haha! You see what I did there?

  5. So adorable, very cute post!


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