Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The 14 Day Marriage Challenge: Day Five

Welcome To Day 5 of the 14 Day Marriage Challenge!

Today's Challenge: Let him know you missed him!

When he walks in the door from work greet him with a big kiss.  (or, if he gets home before you - give him a huge kiss as soon as you walk in the door)

I'll be honest: usually when the Man of the House gets home he is greeted by the dog and/or the grand baby.  While I am either sitting on the couch watching the news, or in the kitchen fixing dinner.  I can certainly take a moment from what I am doing to walk over and let him know I am happy to see him! And I know he appreciates it.

Leave a comment and let us know how your hubby responded to your "Welcome Home" greeting.

Links to MORE of the 14 Day Marriage Challenge:



  1. This is so important to remember. My husband loves to be greeted when he gets home from work. Thanks so much for sharing this with my linkup party.

    1. Mine too Judith! Thank you for stopping by - AND for hosting your linkup! It's a great opportunity to share my posts and discover new and interesting new blogs!


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