Thursday, February 6, 2014

The 14 Day Marriage Challenge: Day Six

Welcome to Day 6 of the 14 Day Marriage Challenge!

The Challenge for today: Send him a text or email during the day to let him know you're thinking about him.

This can be sweet, romantic, flirty, or sexy - what every you are comfortable with.  Send more than one if you want!

Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

  • Thank you for being you.
  • Thinking about you...
  • You're my best friend
  • Glad I have you in my life
  • I miss you.
  • Love you to the moon and back
  • You are the best!
  • More in love with you than ever!
  • Hey sexy... got plans tonight?
  • I am one lucky gal!
  • You.  Me.  2nite.
 Or use your own original idea! Leave a comment and let us know what your text/email said. 

Links to MORE of the 14 Day Marriage Challenge:

1 comment:

  1. I didn't see this blog posting until my cousin shared it on FB yesterday. I thought it was a great idea. My husband I are usually very good about sending texts back and forth to each other like this. I did it any way. :) He is always so appreciative for anything that I do. I can't wait to see what today's suggestion is. Impatiently waiting.... lol


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