Monday, February 3, 2014

The 14 Day Marriage Challenge: Day Three

Welcome to Day 3 of the 14 Day Marriage Challenge

Your challenge for today: Be thankful!

Thank him for all the little things.  If he takes the trash out, washes the dishes, plays with the kids or helps them with homework, pays you a compliment, works hard all day to support your family. Find at least one little thing he does on a day to day basis (more than one: Bonus!) and  Thank him for it!

Don't forget to check back and let us know what you thanked him for - and his reaction.

edited to add:  I thanked the Man of the House for straightening up the house between church and SuperBowl on Sunday. He returned the favor by thanking me for making chicken wings for the big game.  :0) 


  1. This is something I try to be aware of....thanking my hubby, especially for being such a hard worker and provider so that I can stay home!

    1. I think it's important to let our spouses know how much we appreciate them!


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