Friday, April 22, 2016

My Favorite Finds Friday: Spring Cleaning

It's April.  Which means it's time for those 2 little words which strike up a deep sense of dread in my very soul.  No,  I don't mean 'tax season'...  I'm talking about Spring Cleaning (duh duh duuuuuuh... *shudder*)

And what better way to get prepared than by spending some time browsing the interwebs for tips, tricks, and hacks to make Spring Cleaning easier.  AmIright?

Here are some of the little gems I came across and have utilized in my own (half-hearted) attempts at getting the home clean and organized.
If you have a question about when or how to clean just about anything - I am pretty sure has an answer for you!  Her Ultimate Spring Cleaning Guide is no exception.  Detailed cleaning lists for each room, tips on getting started, and general cleaning tips are right here in one handy source!

It's called the Ridiculously Thorough Guide to Decluttering Your Home and that is pretty accurate!

Ruth over at Living Well, Spending Less has her own pretty thorough guide to Spring cleaning your kitchen.  She breaks everything down, area by area until your kitchen is sparkly, decluttered, and organized.  Which will leave you with time to sit down and enjoy her new book: Unstuffed

Once your Spring cleaning is completed, a consistent cleaning schedule can help keep it that way.  I have about 6 different versions pinned to my Cleaning and Organization board on Pinterest; but this one from KidtoKid is one of my favorites.

Have you done your Spring cleaning yet?  What are some of your favorite tips and tricks?

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1 comment:

  1. You're coming here, righttttttttttttttt? (giggling)

    --have a beautiful weekend, friend.


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