Wednesday, May 31, 2017

A Spirit of Gratitude: May 2017

May was pretty much jam packed!  It seemed as if there was barely time to pause for a breath before we were off to the next thing.  It was one of those months when it would be easy to feel overwhelmed.  But when I  took time to pause and reflect on all that was going on - to indulge in some gratitude, it was simple to see how much good there was in all the busyness.

I Am Thankful For:
Playing horseshoes with friends
Breakfast for lunch at Cracker Barrel
School plays
Musical performances from the Male Offspring
Sunday dinner with the family
BBQ Ribs
There is no longer a snake in my house

Mothers Day
College graduation

Going to the movies with my guys
Date night

Answered prayers

Making vacation plans
Sleepover with the grand kid
The Male Offspring's Birthday

What are you thankful for from May?

1 comment:

  1. It is good to stop and be thankful during the busy times. I'd freak out if there was a snake in my house! Thanks for linking up to #HomeMattersParty


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