Monday, July 22, 2019

Not Today

Some weeks you slay your entire list of goals and rejoice at how much you accomplished.  Last week was not one of those weeks.

It started when I woke up Monday morning to find that somehow, completely without being aware of it, I had managed to do something horrible to my lower back.  Or it at least felt like I had done something horrible.  Although, of course I had no clue how or why this had happened.  There was just quite a bit of pain going on down there with every movement I made. This led to several days of doing not much except sitting on a heating pad between doses of ibuprofen and acetaminophen.

Needless to say, I didn't get much marked off on my list of goals for the week.  In fact, the only one which I can say was completed was getting photos of the new items for the shop.

Well, life happens.  What's past is past.  This is a new week, and my back is feeling better.  So, let's put that behind us and move forward.  Shall we?

My goals for this week are:

  •  Stay within my daily WW points and not use any weekly points
  •  Complete and mail at least one wholesale order
  •  Meditate every day

What are your goals for the week?

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