Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Pay A Compliment

Everyone likes to hear nice things, especially about themselves. (I know that I do!) And today just happens to be -  "Pay Someone A Compliment Day".

Giving someone a compliment is a nice way to show your appreciation, spread a little positivity and kindness, and make someone's day.

Studies show that when we receive a compliment, it activates reward centers in the brain and releases dopamine.  Dopamine helps increase our levels of motivation, focus, and happiness.  So, when we receive a compliment - we also get a little burst of feel good brain chemicals!

While there's nothing wrong with simple, general compliments (" I like your shirt") - try to be a little more specific with your compliments ("Your blouse is beautiful. The colors make me think of springtime.").  

Focus on something you genuinely like or admire about the other person - not just their appearance. Complimenting an accomplishment, personality trait, or habit you admire can mean a lot to someone, and let's them know you really see them and don't take them for granted.  

Today, I challenge you to pay as many compliments as possible. To your spouse or partner, other family members, friends, co-workers - or even a random stranger.

Who will you compliment today?  What's the nicest compliment you ever received?

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