Saturday, February 3, 2024

Take Your Child to the Library Today

 Did you know that the first Saturday of February is National 'Take Your Child to the Library" Day?


This is the perfect day for you and your child to explore all the library has to offer!

Of course there are the books. So many books! You and your little one are sure to find something you'll enjoy reading.  But there's more.  Many (most?) libraries also offer magazines, games, and movies.  There are story times, as well as other entertaining and educational programs. They may even have something special planned for "Take Your Child to the Library" day!

Can't make it to the library today?  Many libraries also provide access to books, audio books , and more through a digital (or virtual) library.  All you need is a library card and whatever app your library uses. If that's not an option - maybe you can find something for you and your child to read at home!

Do you regularly use your library?

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