Friday, May 18, 2012

Follow Friday, Or: The simple things: avoiding conflict, finding patience, and getting perspective.

Yes...  She's baaaack.  For another Follow Friday Fill-in. 

I figured out that the nice thing about these is that my brain can start the weekend early.  I don't feel pressure to come up with some witty, insightful, or inspirational blog post - Feeling Beachie does all the hard work for me!  And I get to meet some other great bloggers along the way. 

To play along, just play the fill-in game and add the Follow Friday linky-dink thing to your own blog.

This week's statements:

1)  I like to avoid _____ if possible.
2)  _____ is a virtue I do not have.
3)  Sometimes the _____ are the _____.
4)  I think that _____ are the best _____.

And now... the part you've all been waiting for... MY RESPONSES!!

1)  I like to avoid conflict if possible. I'm just not typically a confrontational type of person.

2)  Patience is a virtue I do not have.

3)  Sometimes the worst times in your life are the best things that happen to you.  It just takes perspective to see it

4)  I think that the simple things in life are the best things in life.


  1. Patience is a virtue many of us don't have it seems...

    1. Yeh... what's up with that? Why don't we have it? And why can't we get it NOW? ;)

  2. Heyyyyyy Beckey, love seeing you on the linky roll. I love your answers, especially #3: that which does not kill you outright only makes you stronger :)

  3. Having lived half a century (yikes, hurts when I say it that way!), I can look back and agree with you. Some of the worst things that happened to me turned out to be for my good. I wouldn't change a thing.

    1. Nothing to cringe about, that's an accomplishment!! : )

  4. I agree with you on # 3! I can think back to MANY of them!

    1. I guess that's how we learn sometimes. :)
      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  5. Yes. Agree! Sometimes worst things in life are the best thing. --Tho it is easier to feel that way when we look back ...

    1. So much of life are the "someday we'll laugh about this" moments. : )


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