Saturday, May 5, 2012

With Actions and Truth

I'm cross-posting between my other blog and here because I am just too tired to think creatively enough to come up with two separate posts today.  I apologize for rmy laziness...

Today The Man of the House, The Little Man, and myself went with our small group from church to work on a service project. Our church sponsers days like this a few times a year, (known as "Love Loud" projects) for members to go out into the community and be of service to others.

We each did various chores including weeding and weed eating, hauled garbage, assembled a grill, spread some mulch, power washing, and assorted repair work.

It was a great experience. And exhausting.

Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth ~ 1 John 3:18

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