Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Warmer Mornings

I am so excited to see the calendar telling me that it is Spring. (even though it hasn’t exactly felt like it on most days yet) Spring means warmer days. Warmer mornings.

I look forward to taking my morning quiet time outside onto the back porch. Just me, a cup of coffee, and my Bible. Oh… and the morning sun, the birds, and the spring breeze.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Beckey! I'm with you! I can't wait for Spring! Of course, I woke up to a light layer of snow on the ground this morning, so we have a way to go! The very thought of quiet time outside in the warmth of the sun and the sweet sound of the birds makes me smile!
    Thanks for visiting my place today!
    Blessings to you ~ Mary


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