Wednesday, September 11, 2013


"We must be ready to allow ourselves to be interrupted by God.....We must not.....assume that our schedule is our own to manage, but allow it to be arranged by God.”~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer


You know me... I am a list maker. I've got a plan, and I like to see things marked off.  

But it doesn't always work that way - does it?  

Sometimes there are interruptions.  Disruptions.  Changes in plans.

 I have two choices...

I can get frustrated, angry, or discouraged. 

Or I can go along with it. 

Look at it as a lesson on how life isn't lived according to my plan, but according to God's plan.   

A new opportunity to say "Yes" to God and see what exciting opportunity He has for me rather than what I had planned.


  1. Short sweet and to the point. I love it. We really do have a choice and it's amazing to see what He will do when we let Him have control. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi Beckey! I am coming over from Wisdom Wednesdays.

    What wisdom here! I know what you mean about getting interrupted. So often, I'm so wrapped up in what I am doing that I don't see the distraction as opportunity. What a great point. I love it!

    I hope I'll be better at seeing it all as my choice, and then choosing to be happy :)

    1. I'm not claiming to have mastered the more positive choice. But I am learning. :0)


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