Tuesday, May 10, 2016

They really like me! (Or they do an awesome job of pretending to like me)

As y'all probably know - Sunday was Mother's Day.  A day for showing moms a little love and appreciation for all that mom stuff she does all year round.  My family happens to be very good at this!

The male offspring made french toast and fruit for breakfast. With some help from his dad.  Add some orange juice and coffee - and I start the day as one happy mom.

The Man of the House surprised me with an adorable silver "Queen B" necklace.

The male offspring made me a simple card and stocked up my stash of chocolate.

The female offspring created a lovely beehive picture for my office/craft room.  The colors were chosen because the grand baby told her he wanted to give me a rainbow.  Their gift also included a home pedicure kit and a fun nail polish.

I had quiet time that afternoon to take a relaxing Mother's Day bubble bath and do my nails.  A treat which can be difficult to fit into my usual routine.

The Man of the House made a delicious buffalo chicken salad for dinner and finished the meal with a Biltmore vanilla bean cheesecake. Yum!!

I have to thank all of them for making me feel quite special and giving me a very nice, very relaxing day.

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  1. Sounds like you were celebrated beautifully! Yay!

  2. Awesome!!! Love the Beehive is lovely, smiles.

  3. Oh for pete's sake...I am brain dead---that previous comment made no sense, LOLOL.

  4. Such sweet gifts from the heart. I got a few nice gifts, too, but my most treasured ones came from two of our grand kiddos....things they had made and wanted Nannie to have!

  5. That pendant is so cute. Glad you had a fab day with the family!


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