Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Water, Interrupted

The 30 Day Water Challenge started out reasonably well.  At least for the most part.

Day One looked something like this...

5:30am - Filled gallon jug.  Drank first cup.

7:30am - Drank second cup.

8:00am - While fixing breakfast, I suddenly developed an irrational fear that all the water I plan to drink will cause the chia seeds I usually eat in yogurt to swell up much more than usual.  Google "can chia seeds cause digestive blockage"  Immediately regret said google.  (Short answer - yes, but unlikely)

12:00pm - Water consumption right on track.

8:00pm - One gallon of water consumed.  Indulged in a little self congratulations.

And so it went for the next week...

Some days I was rockin' the challenge.  Some days I came up a little short.  One day I came up miserably short of a gallon.

And then, toward the end of this past week,  it occurred to me.  I had not really thought through the timing of this challenge very well.  Tracking my water for the upcoming week or so is probably going to be difficult.  If not down right impossible.

That's why I have chosen to hit the pause button for the moment on my challenge.  It will be resumed in a week to ten days, when I can again focus on it and track my water correctly.

And...  as they say: "Stay thirsty, my friends"

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